@@ -237,14 +237,14 @@
<select id="getAppointmentClothOrderList" resultType="com.yiqi.order.domain.vo.OrderClothAppointmentVO">
select o.order_no as orderNo, o.appointment_time as appointmentTime, o.appointment_count as appointmentCount, o.pay_status as payStatus,
- o.take_cloth_app_user_id as takeClothAppUserId, o.order_status AS orderStatus, a.province as province, a.city as city, a.area as area,
- a.address as address, a.address_detail as addressDetail, o.take_cloth_way as takeClothWay, o.send_cloth_way AS sendClothWay,
+ o.take_cloth_app_user_id as takeClothAppUserId, o.order_status AS orderStatus,
+ a.user_address as address, o.take_cloth_way as takeClothWay, o.send_cloth_way AS sendClothWay,
o.is_disassembly_and_assembly as isDisassemblyAndAssembly, o.is_large_item as isLargeItem, b.real_name as takeClothAppUserName,
- a.contact_name as contactName, a.contact_phone as contactPhone, b.phone_number as takeClothAppUserPhone
- ,o.org_id as orgId,o.source_type as sourceType,org.name as orgName,a.delivery_way as deliveryWay,a.delivery_name as deliveryName
+ a.user_name as contactName, a.user_phone as contactPhone, b.phone_number as takeClothAppUserPhone
+ ,o.org_id as orgId,o.source_type as sourceType,org.name as orgName,a.delivery_way as deliveryWay
from order_cloth o
left join app_user b on o.take_cloth_app_user_id = b.id
- left join order_cloth_delivery_address as a on a.order_id=o.id
+ left join order_delivery as a on a.order_sn=o.order_no
<if test="takeClothWay != null and takeClothWay == '1'.toString()">
and a.cloth_order_type=0